Well!!! I think it may a bit too late to write about this, but doing things late is better than doing nothing right!!! It started last month when I got an email from a girl named Elisa, also a friend of mine who joint the Seachange, to invite me to sing up for the SEAchange. I was like "What the hell is that? Free trip for 500 people! Such a liar". However, once I saw the three questions, I was very interested because they were somehow related to what actually concern me too! Therefore, I started answering the questions!! 3days later I was like OH My goodness! I was overwhelming delighted! I Will go to Malaysia AGAIN?? Ha......... Not a dreAM la!!! It is true! Well, at first I did not believe simply because I won too easy! Do nothing! Just very simply answer! Nevertheless, I did actually go there, and the value that I got from SEAchange is too priceless!!!! How inspired the speakers are? Biz Stone - A great simple man who is a successful person in hi-tech day with his tweeter project. And I am also using twitter ;)
Dato' Seri Tony Fernande - Wow, think of traveling he is the guy who make every impossible possible. What every impossible possible? I was wondering and of course it was possible for me to fly to Malaysia with a return ticket with his airline (airasia) lolz.
David Magliano - what else can you say, he is a great man who speak to us with every powerful word in his speech.
Donald Trump - A brain of business who start the success. I want to be a success person as he said. My first time to sit down and listen to a live speaker like him. Just look at the screen without his present but live. Oh man, everyone was amazed listen carefully to what he said without missing any single words.
Dr. Mamphela Ramphele - We care to listen to her. She is a great women, a model of change where a black person is also a human race and she made her fortune of success and thanks for her great speech.
Garry Kasparov - talking about chess, talk to him. I don't play chess lolz.
Long Yongtu - Listen and learn...
Lorraine Hahn - I want to be like her, yeah it's true. Facilitating the big event like this as an MC is not easy. She is a great person.
Nando Parrado - A man of miracle - he has a great story of his life which many people didn't have or even experience close to his experience.
Narain Karthikeyan - sport man
Randi Zuckerberg - facebook woman haha everyone raised their hand as a facebooker. I am using facebook too. ;) Facebook marketing make BIG bucks.
Sir Bob Geldof - humanitarian, helping, charity... (Got from Piseth)
Well, I have to say that I would influent people more than others since I am a media practisioner! Thus, I believe that what I got today will be in my audience's mind in the future! (A promise)
Alright! That's it! I posted some photos so enjoy it lah (lah is the style I got from My Malay Friend Jesscia)
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