To celebrate the 99th anniversary of this year March 8th Women’s Right Day, the Ministry of Women Affairs, cooperating with Smart Mobile Company, has launched a big concert on March 4th, 2010 at the Olympic stadium.
The key main theme of this year celebration is “Bonding together to promote the potential for women and youth toward developed society”.
As the sun begins to set, the event is marked by the present of Her Excellency Men Sam Orn, the deputy minister of Cambodia; Her Excellency Dr. Ing Kantha Phavy, the Minister of Ministry of Women Affairs; other high ranking people.
“The day is to spot the equality between men and women,” said Dr. Ing Kantha Phavy, “and we must get rid of the culture of treating women as people who only deserve to do the household chores.”
Dr. Kantha Phavy added that the Women’s Right Day also an inspiration and motivation for women and youth to feel confident and actively participate in the field that men can do like engineer, minister or doctor.
To educate women on their right and liberty, the Ministry of Women Affair, the Cambodian National Council for Women (CNCW) and TWG-Gender have initiated a five-year strategic plan (2009-2013) called Neary Rattanak III aiming for gender equality and empowerment of Women in Cambodia by providing action, educating and training profession to support their living.
Heang Pheavy, the sale person from Smart Mobile Company, said enthusiastically at the stadium that she was very happy to be born in the country where women are given enough rights to live their lives, and she hoped this event can be effective to help other women in the world.
The key main theme of this year celebration is “Bonding together to promote the potential for women and youth toward developed society”.
As the sun begins to set, the event is marked by the present of Her Excellency Men Sam Orn, the deputy minister of Cambodia; Her Excellency Dr. Ing Kantha Phavy, the Minister of Ministry of Women Affairs; other high ranking people.
“The day is to spot the equality between men and women,” said Dr. Ing Kantha Phavy, “and we must get rid of the culture of treating women as people who only deserve to do the household chores.”
Dr. Kantha Phavy added that the Women’s Right Day also an inspiration and motivation for women and youth to feel confident and actively participate in the field that men can do like engineer, minister or doctor.
To educate women on their right and liberty, the Ministry of Women Affair, the Cambodian National Council for Women (CNCW) and TWG-Gender have initiated a five-year strategic plan (2009-2013) called Neary Rattanak III aiming for gender equality and empowerment of Women in Cambodia by providing action, educating and training profession to support their living.
Heang Pheavy, the sale person from Smart Mobile Company, said enthusiastically at the stadium that she was very happy to be born in the country where women are given enough rights to live their lives, and she hoped this event can be effective to help other women in the world.
Good writing! Try harder